Case of Exporting Gas to Israel
Despite his fame at the international level as one of the top lawyers in the world, Dr. Mohamed Hamoda like any Egyptian sincerely cares of his country, refuses to make our enemy enable to utilize from our country resources. Nevertheless, when he read the case papers, which exceeded the number of thousands of papers and documents, he knew that the public opinion in Egypt is misleading and that he cannot kept in line with the public opinion, even if it misleads and distorts the truth. It is no fault for people who accused allegedly in the export of gas to Israel, such a charge that undermines one’s dignity. It is clear to Dr. Mohamed Hamoda that entering the name of the former Petroleum Minister Sameh Fahmi, among others, just because are the symbols of Mubarak’s regime. The Accused Sameh Fahmi Isma'il, who was the deputy chairman of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation, was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for seven years in addition to other sentences with rigorous imprisonment against the former Minister of Petroleum and other accused persons. However, after accepting to represent the accused persons, Dr. Hamoda was able to show the truth of the correctness and validity of the contracting procedures and the validity of the sale price assessment under the opinion of specialized technical committees that formed upon the request of Dr. Hamoda. He insisted to form such committees for studying both technical and price contractual terms. His opinion was prudence to make such committee issue its decision in favor of the accused persons. Dr. Mohamed Hamoda explained the strengths contained in the report and stated the legal grounds that prove the innocence of the accused; which is satisfied by the Assize Court after Dr. Hamoda delivered his pleading to acquit all accused persons from all acquisitions.