The Case of Fabrice Dominique of France and murder of his wife
Dr. Mohamed Hamoda, the most famous lawyer in Egypt and in the international level, is proud of obtaining a final acquittal judgment for the French citizen Fabrice Dominique who had appointed Dr. Hamoda to defend him after Fabrice was charged by the Egyptian authorities with murdering his French wife, Florence Raymond. Dominique was referred to the Criminal Court which rendered its ruling whereby he was sentenced to 15 years of rigorous imprisonment for willful and premeditated with malice aforethought. Fabrice Dominique of France was imprisoned for two years in Al Hadhrah Prison in Alexandria. When he thought that his destiny brought him to such a miserable end, after his a legal argument including substantial proofs, Dr. Mohamed Hamoda could obtain a court ruling revoking and repealing the judgment rendered against the French citizen to the effect that he was to be rigorously imprisoned for 15 years. Latter was retried before the Criminal Court. Dr. Mohamed Hamoda blew a big surprise: the investigations department had falsified the investigations after failure to detect the real culprit. Dr. Mohamed Hamoda insisted that the whole judges of the bench inspect the crime scene. Then, the court was convinced by the points of view provided by Dr. Mohamed Hamoda and the legal proofs he submitted with the acquittal of the French citizen. Acquittal of the French citizen is considered as a badge of honor for Dr. Mohamed Hamoda whose efforts were crowned by acquittal of an aggrieve person.